There are a few important things to remember when writing the title of an essay. The title should be concise, accurate, and informative.
The title should be concise. This means that it should be as short as possible while still accurately describing the contents of the essay.
The title should also be accurate. It should accurately reflect the main points of the essay.
The title should also be informative. It should give the reader a snapshot of what the essay is about.
- 1 Understanding the Importance of Properly Formatting Article Titles
- 2 Differentiating Between Different Types of Article Titles
- 3 Formatting Article Titles Using Italics or Quotation Marks
- 4 Incorporating Article Titles in Various Citation Styles (MLA, APA, Chicago)
- 5 Capitalization Rules for Article Titles in Different Contexts
- 6 Addressing Titles of Articles within Larger Works (e.g., Journals, Magazines)
- 7 Punctuating Article Titles for Clarity and Consistency
- 8 Handling Article Titles in Text References and Bibliographies
- 9 Navigating Titles of Online Articles and Webpages
- 10 Tips for Accurately and Consistently Formatting Article Titles
Understanding the Importance of Properly Formatting Article Titles
When you are writing an essay, it is important to properly format the title of the article. The title should be in italics and followed by a period.
One reason to properly format the title is to make it easy for the reader to find. The title is the first thing that the reader sees, so it is important that it be easy to identify and understand.
Another reason to format the title correctly is to show that you are taking the essay seriously. Proper formatting indicates that you are following the conventions of academic writing.
Finally, properly formatting the title helps to distinguish it from the body of the essay. This can be especially helpful when you are using a long, complex title.
When formatting the title, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, the title should be in italics. Second, the title should be followed by a period. Third, the title should be placed at the beginning of the essay, not the end.
With these guidelines in mind, you can properly format the title of any article.
Differentiating Between Different Types of Article Titles
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There are three general types of article titles:
1) The declarative title
2) The interrogative title
3) The imperative title
The declarative title is the most common type of article title. It states a fact or an opinion and is often followed by a period. For example, “The United States is a democracy.”
The interrogative title poses a question and is often followed by a question mark. For example, “Is the United States a democracy?”
The imperative title gives a command and is often followed by an exclamation mark. For example, “Start writing your essay now!”
Formatting Article Titles Using Italics or Quotation Marks
There are two ways to format article titles when writing essays: italics or quotation marks. The way you choose to format the title is up to you, but there are a few things to keep in mind when deciding.
If you are using italics, the title should be the first word in the sentence and the only word that is italicized. For example, “How to Write an Article Title in an Essay.” If you are using quotation marks, the title should be placed inside of the quotation marks, and it should be the only word inside of the quotation marks. For example, “How to Write an Article Title in an Essay.”
Whichever way you choose to format your title, make sure to keep it consistent throughout your essay.
Incorporating Article Titles in Various Citation Styles (MLA, APA, Chicago)
When writing an academic essay, it is important to include the title of any articles that you reference within the essay. In addition, different citation styles require different formats for including article titles. In this article, we will explore how to include article titles in essays using the MLA, APA, and Chicago citation styles.
In MLA format, article titles are included in the in-text citation after the author’s name. For example:
According to Smith, “The article title should be italicized” (15).
In APA format, article titles are included in the in-text citation after the author’s name. For example:
According to Smith (2013), “The article title should be italicized.”
In Chicago format, article titles are included in the in-text citation after the author’s name. For example:
According to Smith, “The article title should be italicized” (15).
Capitalization Rules for Article Titles in Different Contexts
There are a few different capitalization rules that you need to be aware of when titling your articles. Knowing the correct way to capitalize your article title can be the difference between a well-read article and one that is overlooked.
The first rule to remember is that the title of an article should always be capitalized. This is true whether the article is published in a magazine, newspaper, or on the internet.
The second rule is that the title of an article should be capitalized when it is used as the title of a book, play, or movie. For example, the movie “The Help” should be capitalized, while the book “the help” should not.
The third rule is that the title of an article should be capitalized when it is used as the name of a company or organization. For example, Google should be capitalized, while web developer should not.
The fourth and final rule is that the title of an article should be capitalized when it is used as a proper noun. A proper noun is a specific name that is given to a particular person, place, or thing. For example, Santa Claus should be capitalized, while christmas should not.
By following these four simple capitalization rules, you can make sure that your article titles are clear and easy to read.
Addressing Titles of Articles within Larger Works (e.g., Journals, Magazines)
There are many different ways to write article titles when referencing larger works such as journals and magazines. One way is to italicize the title of the article and put the title of the journal or magazine in quotation marks.
For example:
“The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Student Performance”
“Sleep Deprivation and College Students: The Silent Epidemic”
Another way to write the title of the article is to put the title of the article in quotation marks and the title of the journal or magazine in italics.
For example:
“The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Student Performance”
“Sleep Deprivation and College Students: The Silent Epidemic”
Punctuating Article Titles for Clarity and Consistency
Every time you write an article, you should take care to punctuate the title correctly. This will ensure that your readers know what the article is about, and that the title is consistent regardless of where it appears.
There are three basic rules to remember when punctuating article titles.
1. Use quotation marks around the title.
2. Capitalize the first letter of each word in the title, except for articles, prepositions, and conjunctions.
3. Put a period at the end of the title.
Here are some examples:
“How to Write an Article Title in an Essay”
“Punctuating Article Titles for Clarity and Consistency”
“Capitalizing Titles”
The first rule is the most important. Always use quotation marks around the title, even if it’s a short title.
The second rule is also important. Capitalize the first letter of each word in the title, except for articles, prepositions, and conjunctions.
The third rule is necessary because titles are often used as standalone sentences. Putting a period at the end of the title signals the end of the sentence.
Handling Article Titles in Text References and Bibliographies
When writing an essay, it is important to properly cite the sources of information you use. This includes not only the information you quote or paraphrase, but also any information you get from websites, articles, or other sources. In order to do this, you need to include a reference to the source in the text of your essay, as well as a full citation in the works cited or bibliography section.
One of the most important aspects of citing sources is properly formatting the titles of articles, books, and other works. This can be tricky, especially when it comes to articles, as the title can be written differently in different sources. In order to make sure you are citing sources correctly, you need to understand how to format the title of an article for a reference or bibliography.
There are a few things to keep in mind when formatting an article title. First, the title should be in quotation marks if it is a complete title, or italicized if it is only part of a title. Second, the title should be capitalized the way it appears in the source. Third, any articles or other words in the title should be lowercase. Finally, if the title of the article is more than one line, it should be paragraph formatted.
Here is an example of how to cite an article with the title “The Effects of Smoking on the Body”:
“The Effects of Smoking on the Body” is the title of an article by John Smith.
In the text of your essay, you would refer to the article as “Smith,” with no quotation marks. In the works cited or bibliography section, the title would be written as “The Effects of Smoking on the Body” and would be italicized.
When you are writing an essay, it is important to include the title of the article or webpage you are referencing. This is especially important when you are quoting or paraphrasing from the article. In order to include the title correctly in your essay, you need to know how to format it.
There are a few different ways to format the title of an article or webpage depending on the type of document you are writing. Generally, you will want to include the name of the author, the title of the article, the name of the website, the date the article was published, and the URL.
Here is an example of how to format the title of an article when you are writing a paper:
Title of article. Author. “Title of article.” Website name. Date of publication. URL.
Here is an example of how to format the title of a webpage when you are writing a paper:
Title of webpage. Author. “Title of webpage.” Website name. Date of publication. URL.
Tips for Accurately and Consistently Formatting Article Titles
When you are writing an essay, it is important to include the title of the article you are referencing, as well as to format it consistently. Below are some tips for doing so.
First, always italicize the title of an article.
Second, make sure to place the title of the article in quotation marks if it is a full sentence, or if it is the title of a poem or song.
“How to Write an Article Title in an Essay”
“The Raven”
“Let it Go”
If the title of the article is a phrase or a list of words, do not italicize it, and do not put it in quotation marks.
Tips for Accurately and Consistently Formatting Article Titles
Finally, make sure to capitalize the first letter of each word in the title, except for articles, prepositions, and conjunctions.
How to Write an Article Title in an Essay
The Raven
Let it Go

Akanksha is a postgraduate in Commerce. She is a homemaker and is constantly looking for rational solutions that keeps it all easy-peasy around the kitchen. She believes in engaging with her readers through a personal touch while keeping up with their rationale to help them with better analysis and pro decisions. To every woman out there, homemaker or working, her shout out is – “You deserve it!!”.